Sick Building Syndrome

Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a term commonly used for non-specific symptoms that are temporally related to occupancy of a particular building. When building-related symptoms are characteristic of a specific clinical entity, they are called Building Related Illness (BRI). These illnesses are varied, and include Legionnaires’ disease, building related hypersensitivity pneumonitis, building-related asthma, and others.

SBS symptoms include mucous membrane irritation (cough, scratchy throat, stuffy sinuses, and itchy eyes), headache, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and other non-specific symptoms. The causes of SBS vary with the building and its occupants. SBS was once called “Tight Building Syndrome” and was considered to be a result of excess tightening of buildings in response to energy use concerns. However, many buildings with an excess of symptoms among the occupants are well ventilated. Still, increase in ventilation rates is often the “cure” for the problem.

Some people consider that SBS is caused not by the physical environment, but, rather, by psychosocial factors. Gender, lack of control, poor management, too much work, too little work, perceived housekeeping quality, and many other social factors have been blamed for the symptoms. In some cases, psychosocial factors may be the major cause of complaints. However, clearly, in some cases, environmental factors are at fault. For example, paper dust, and photocopier use have both been related to increases in complaints in a dose-dependent way. An excess of volatile organic compounds have been blamed for SBS symptoms. However, one study attributed this effect to the perception of odors at VOC concentrations far below those that would be likely to have an effect. These authors discuss the possibility that reactive chemistry might produce irritants that might be responsible for some symptoms.

Mold contamination has clearly been related to cases of BRI. However, its relationship to SBS is less clear. A Swedish study documented that dampness in residential buildings was associated with SBS symptoms with symptoms increasing with the number of dampness indicators present. Whether or not mold growth was responsible for these symptoms remains unknown. An extremely interesting study exposed people to measured doses of airborne fungal spores from growth on building materials. In this study, symptoms were similar among the two fungi studied AND for the placebo tests, indicating no specific effect of the spores. Mycotoxins have not been measured in quantities sufficient to cause the normal SBS symptoms, and the data regarding the role of mycotoxins in indoor air remain equivocal.

What is Acremonium? 

With wet conditions, Acremonium grows quite well.. When Acremonium is found indoors, it usually originates either from outdoor air or from contaminated crawl spaces or from contaminated building materials that recently experienced wet conditions like flooding. However, the spores of this fungus are formed in a slimy mass resulting in limited aerosolisation: therefore its prevalence may be low in air samples.

It grows indoors on building materials such as drywall, acoustic and thermal fiberglass insulation and in some cases insulated ducting. Crawl spaces, wet bathrooms with a lack of proper ventilation or exhausting and continuous wet basements are ideal for Acremonium. 

Acremonium has often been associated with contamination by Stachybotrys chartarum, which is often referred to as “Black Mold,” as both fungi is favor very wet circumstances. Allergenic reactions to Acremonium includes hay fever, asthma, hypersensitivity and pneumonitis. Potential opportunist or pathogen effects are known to cause hyalohyphomycosis, keratitis, mycetoma, and onychomycosis. Also known to cause infections in immunodeficient patients and causes infections in persons with wound injuries.

When mold is found in your home, trust the professionals at Mold Solutions & Inspections to properly handle the removal the first time under the guidance of the IICRC protocols.

What is Myxomycetes?

A little known mold which does show up on many mold testing reports is Myxomycetes. This mold is often skipped over by many inspectors not only because they can’tpronounce it, (Mixo-My-Cee-Tees), but also because they don’t know what it is and howit got there. Myxomycetes have an interesting life cycle which includes a wet spore phase and a dry spore phase. When conditions are favorable, they move about like amoebae, resembling primitive animals. When conditions are not favorable they form a resting body (sclerotium) with dry, airborne spores. Myxomycetes are noconsidered to be true fungi.

Health Effects

Myxomycetes are a type 1 allergen and can cause hay fever like symptoms and trigger asthma. Type I hypersensitivity is also known as an immediate reaction and involves immunoglobulin E (IgE) mediated release of antibodies against the soluble antigen. This results in mast cell degranulation and release of histamine and other inflammatory mediators. 

Type I hypersensitivities include atopic diseases, which are an exaggerated IgE mediated immune responses (i.e., allergic: asthma, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and dermatitis), and allergic diseases, which are immune responses to foreign allergens (i.e., anaphylaxis, urticaria, angioedema, food, and drug allergies). The allergens that result in a type I hypersensitivity may be harmless (i.e., pollen, mites, or foods, drugs, etc.) or more hazardous such as insect venoms. The reaction may be manifested in different areas of the body and may result in instances such as:

  • Nasal allergic rhinitis or hay fever
  • Ocular allergic conjunctivitis, potentially due to seasonal allergens such as pollen or mold spores
  • Dermatological hives, atopic eczema, or erythema
  • Soft tissue angioedema
  • Pulmonary reactions, such as allergic asthma or hypoxiaSystemic reaction, which is a life-threatening medical emergency, and also known as anaphylaxis.

Mold Solutions & Inspections is a full service mold testing and remediation company providing an unmatched level of service since 1998. If you think your home or business has been affected by mold, or are in need of mold testing, call our office or visit our main page for more information.